Clatterbridge Cancer Charity

Here for the 1 in 2

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could fund an art pack for patients to use in their own room.


could fund one hour of a metastatic breast cancer clinical nurse specialist.


could help fund one hour of life changing cancer research.

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Fundraiser Spotlight

At 81 years old, Mary has written and produced a heart-warming children’s book, ‘Chuck the Duck’ – a true story about a family of ducks who lived on top of Mary’s shed. Mary has sold 200 copies of the book around the world, raising an incredible £600 for our charity!

Mary shared, “My brother and sister were both treated at Clatterbridge but have both now sadly passed away. I now come to Clatterbridge myself as I was diagnosed with lung cancer.”

She went on to explain, “Whilst I was undergoing my treatment, I found I had a lot of free time at home and I watched these ducks every single day. I decided to start drawing them and eventually wrote the book. It took me 3-4 months to write.”

After completing 12 sessions of radiotherapy, Mary has expressed her gratitude for the care she’s received, saying she wanted to give back to Clatterbridge for saving her life.

Fundraise your own way

By organising your own fundraising, you are helping people with cancer right across Merseyside, Cheshire and beyond.

Raising money for Clatterbridge Cancer Charity, brings people together to achieve something really special. Whether you’re organising a party, holding a quiz night or hosting a bake sale, our team is here to support you every step of the way as you fundraise for your local cancer charity.

Get in touch with our Fundraising Team for everything you need or to answer any questions you might have to help you get started raising vital funds for Clatterbridge.

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We’d love to keep you updated about how you make a difference to the lives of patients and their families at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and more ways you can support the 1 in 2 people with cancer across our region.

Your details are safe with us. More information about how we protect your personal data is set out in our privacy policy.

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Emma Rodgers

The Clatterbridge Fairy was specially created by our Charity Patron, internationally acclaimed sculptor, Emma Rodgers.

We asked Emma to share why she's supporting our Fairy Appeal:
"I have been a Patron of Clatterbridge Cancer Charity for 14 years now, as my mum is cared for there. They are incredible with her and getting the 'all clear' was a wonderful moment. They've done more for me than I can ever do for them, so creating the Fairy seems a small thing, really.

And this year I will be dedicating my Fairy to Professor Myint and the Team at Clatterbridge love from Emma, Milly, Annie and family."