Making a difference to local people with cancer

Clatterbridge Cancer Charity is the only dedicated charity supporting patients and research at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. As one of the UK’s leading cancer centres, it provides highly specialist cancer care to a population of 2.4m across Merseyside, Cheshire and beyond.

With three specialist cancer centres in Liverpool City Centre, Wirral and Aintree, Clatterbridge also has chemotherapy clinics in hospitals across the regions (including CanTreat in Halton) and a pioneering Treatment at home service.

There are four building blocks which make up the ways we support local people with cancer.

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Emma Rodgers

The Clatterbridge Fairy was specially created by our Charity Patron, internationally acclaimed sculptor, Emma Rodgers.

We asked Emma to share why she's supporting our Fairy Appeal:
"I have been a Patron of Clatterbridge Cancer Charity for 14 years now, as my mum is cared for there. They are incredible with her and getting the 'all clear' was a wonderful moment. They've done more for me than I can ever do for them, so creating the Fairy seems a small thing, really.

And this year I will be dedicating my Fairy to Professor Myint and the Team at Clatterbridge love from Emma, Milly, Annie and family."